Text/Call: 650-838-0111 (9am--8pm)
Text/call: 650-248-5852 (10:30am-5:30pm)
~ Custom Skin Care
~ Massage
~ Acupuncture Treatment
~ Hair Removal
~ Body Detoxifying Treatments
~ And More
Body Detoxify with Firm Swedish Massage
$195/ 90 minutes
We have Infrared saunas beauty machine. The Machine uses infrared light to generate controlled heat. The benefits of treatment include weight-loss, firm skin, muscle tension relief, detoxification, increased metabolism, and a stronger immune system. The controlled timed heat will cause the body to sweat and release toxins. The result is a loss of that excess body fat.
Body Slim machine with Massage $225/ 90minutes
Body slim machine with Ultrasonic and RadioFrequency works on the bully area to help remove cellulite and fat from your body. These machines can also help to tighten skin. Along with a full body firm swedish massage to enhance your experience.
Body Slim machine Add on
$105/ 45minutes
Cavitation works through the skin layer to help liquefy the fat cells, thereby releasing the contents of the cells into the blood and lymphatic system. Combined with RF for tighter skin and re-sculpt body shape.
Generally it works on Belly or thigh area. It can be added with any massage.
Body Detoxifying Add on
$95/30 minutes
It can be added on with Body slim machine for the best result.